11-11-2021 12:00 am - 12:00 pm | Others | Venue: Online Virtual Programs, Your Home, on the Road, or wherever there's an internet connection
23 | 5th Engineering Excellence Awards Ceremony
Dear TEFians,
TEF 2021 team takes immense pleasure in inviting you all for the 5th Engineering Excellence Awards Ceremony
Date & Day - *11th November 2021* (Thursday)
Kuwait Time - 09:00 AM onwards
India Time - 11.30 AM onwards
Conference Zoom ID: *896 8600 1978*
Login Password: *11112021*
Zoom Link for TICE & EEA : https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89686001978?pwd=ZXZQeHBVMHJlakE3dGs5WVI5eTNzQT09
For Live Virtual Exhibition: https://tefkw12tice2021.expofp.com
We request all our TEF members to recommend the participation of your Companies or your known service providers or manufacturers in this TICE event and maximize the business opportunities.
We are organizing both these events in a grandeur manner inviting recognized leaders and we look forward to all your support.
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