02 Mar 2023 | Thursday
TEF Kuwait organized Industrial visit for their children
The Tamilnadu Engineers Forum (TEF) in Kuwait organized an industrial visit for their children to provide them with an opportunity to gain practical insights into the production processes, including manufacturing, quality, safety, and hygiene in real-life Oil Sector and FMCG (Fast-Moving Consumer Goods) Production industries.
TEF conducted the industrial visit in three phases:The first phase took place on March 2, 2023, and included children from Grade 9 to Grade 12. They visited the KOC (Kuwait Oil Company) – Ahmad Al-Jaber Oil & Gas Exhibition and ABJ Fabrication Facilities. The second phase occurred on March 12, 2023, and involved a visit to the KISR (Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research) Petroleum Research Center in Ahmadi.
The third and final phase was organized from March 19 to 21, specifically for children from Grade 3 to Grade 8. They visited the KDD (Kuwait Dairy Company) factory and Al Faysal Bakery & Sweets Factory in Shabaan.
The children were enthusiastic and thrilled to see the facilities, enjoying the industrial visits in all three phases. They gained valuable knowledge about the Kuwait Oil industry at KOC, the fabrication process at ABJ Facilities, and the production line of KDD ICE cream products and Al Faysal Bakery's confectionery products. The children also learned about the safety and hygiene procedures followed by each industry.
TEF expressed its gratitude to the industries for accommodating their request to arrange the industrial visits for the children. They also extended their thanks to the dedicated volunteers who successfully coordinated the visits.