08 | Innovative Technology Workshop ...(1 Photos)
07 | 4th Technical Seminar on Safety ...(1 Photos)
06 | Commemoration of International ...(1 Photos)
TEF conducted a 25 days Fitness Challenge ...(20 Photos)
TEF Conducted 3rd Technical Seminar ...(20 Photos)
04 | 2nd Technical Seminar - 2024 (2 Photos)
TEF Conducted 2nd Technical Seminar ...(20 Photos)
Fitness Challenges: Challenge with ...(1 Photos)
TEF conducted Commemoration of Silver ...(20 Photos)
Commemoration of TEF Silver Jubilee ...(1 Photos)
01 | 1st Technical Seminar of the year ...(2 Photos)
01 | TEF Conducted 1st TECHNICAL SEMINAR ...(20 Photos)
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